A new team at Airbnb, Media Operations, was created to combine efforts while producing innovative, high-quality assets for both product and marketing. Merging production and operations for Airbnb Plus, Marketplace, Luxe and Experiences included connecting existing teams and increasing quality standards. As Senior Art Director I oversaw those quality standards for photo and video on all teams based on Airbnb Luxe benchmarks, which I established over the past year.

Developing unified guidelines to be more efficient and creating an overall Airbnb-based tone of voice was necessary and perfectly timed with the creation of Media Ops. Researching, comparing and questioning existing guidelines for all teams was a necessary step for me to create unified guidelines. Combining guidelines and creating one benchmark made a huge difference in production time for vendor and in-house talent.

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Head of Operations: Cyril Delattre

Media Operations Lead: Jenna Jorgensen

Creative Lead: Julia (Sperling) Van Arsdale